Sayfol International School

Academic Programme

Our aim is to provide a positive and caring environment for Nursery through to Secondary level students from all five continents, infact we have over 60 nations represented at the school. We endeavour to blend this international mixture of children creating an atmosphere of cordiality and harmony between one another, so much so that students, teachers and the support staff are one united family.

We offer a British based curriculum where the students are encouraged to develop their full potential, intellectually socially, emotionally and physically. In their final year (year II), the students sit for the General Certificate of Education 'O' Level and 'A' Level which are examined by the University of London Examination Board.

The school terms are as follows:-

  • Term I September - December
  • Term II January to April
  • Term III April to July

    Hours of Study

  • Nursery 7.30 - 5.30 pm
  • Kingergarten 8.00 - 12.30 pm
  • Primary 7.30 - 2.00 pm
  • Secondary 7.30 - 2.00 pm

    Special Programmes
    Sayfol also offers the following special programmes : -

  • ESL for students in Primary 1 through to Secondary Level
  • Orientation Programme in Year 7
  • Work Experience Programme for Year 10 Students
  • Guidance and Career Counseling
  • School Psychologist
  • Overseas Placement
  • Computer Literacy Programme


    Sayfol International School FEE STRUCTURE
    FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013
    Kindergarten and Intermediate
    Registration & Enrolment Fees : RM3,500.00 (upon entry to school)non-refundable
    Fees Per Term Kindergarten: RM 2,500.00
    Intermediate: RM 2,800.00
    Time: 9.00 a.m - 01.00 p.m
    Below is the term fee for Art / Craft and Computer Classes (not inclusive in the Term Fee) :
    Fees Per Term Art/Craft: RM 200.00
    Computer: RM 300.00
    Aftercare Time: 12.30 p.m - 2.00 p.m
    Fees per Month: RM 450.00 per term
    Head Of Kindergarten
    Telephone Nos.: +603 4256 8781 / +603 4256 8791
    Contact: Mrs Vivian E. Pereira
    Primary / Secondary
    Enrolment Fee RM 3,500.00 (upon registration) non-refundable
    Refundable Deposit : One Term Fee
    Year of StudyAge GroupTerm Fee (RM)
    Primary 15 - 63,500.00
    Primary 26 - 73,500.00
    Primary 37 - 83,800.00
    Primary 48 - 94,000.00
    Primary 59 - 104,200.00
    Primary 610 - 114,500.00
    Year 711 - 125,000.00
    Year 812 - 135,000.00
    Year 913 - 145,500.00
    Year 1014 - 156,500.00
    Year 1115 - 166,500.00
    Boarding Fees :RM 6,000.00 Per Term


    คุณ ฟารีดา 084-6020406

    คุณ พิทักษ์ 089-6936152

    คุณ มารีนา 089-6932532